There are too many NAIL products to choose from!!!!!

The longer I am in the beauty industry, the more I realize how confused most professionals are when they see ALL the different products that can be used on's CRAZY!!!! I have to admit.....before working for Impact Salon Sales I was SO confused. There are 5000 trillion gel polish brands, and WAIT, not all of them are gel polishes!! Ya, some are pure soak off gels! Then there is the hard gel products out there that confuse people as well....and don't get me started on the LED/UV cure gels vs. UV cure gels. This blog is to help ALL of you and I hope it helps you able to decide on what is best for your clientele.


GEL POLISH - Here at Impact Salon Sales, we sell Entity One Color Couture(EOCC). This is Entity's gel polish line. It resembles Gelish the most and it is what we call a hybrid. A hybrid gel has lacquer mixed with the soak off gel. This allows the nail professional to be able to achieve a natural nail color on fingers and on toes without drying time. EOCC has a guarantee of 21 days wear as long as you are using the whole system that is recommended and using the techniques and equipment that the Manufacturer recommends. A consistent question that I receive from nail professionals is "Can I just use the base gel from my ______ line that I have been using? Does it make a difference?" I have to say that the Manufacturer ONLY guarantees their product with their system, and I now more than ever I 100% agree with the statements of each Manufacturer. I won't lie to you, I was that nail professional that mixed systems and had this attitude that gel is gel....nope, NOT true. If you want the integrity of the product you are using, the service you are providing and your clients nails to stay intact hear me loud and clear.....use each system the way each Manufacturer suggests. This is also the only way that your Distributor can help you with troubleshooting because they are trained with the systems that they are selling, not any others!!!


PURE SOAK OFF GELS - Here at Impact Salon Sales we also sell Cuccio Veneer. This is what some may call a gel polish, but it is not a hybrid it is pure gel. "Lisa, what is the difference!!!!" Well, here is an easy way for me to explain it to you. Hybrids contains lacquer mixed with soak off gel, and Cuccio Veneer is NOT a hybrid. Hybrids will thicken in the bottle over time because of having the lacquer in there, and the Veneer will not....meaning you get to use 100% of your product, which also means you are NOT throwing away MONEY!!!! The workability of a pure soak of is more user friendly, in my experience with using products and helping others with it. Now, I am not making one to be better than the other, I am just giving you reasons why each of these products is good for certain scenarios and clientele. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH Lisa.......I am still confused!!! Don't worry, this will all make sense when I am done....I PROMISE!!!


HARD UV ONLY CURING GELS - Here at Impact Salon Sales we sell the Amore Ultima Gel System. This line now has 3 different prima systems all meant to  give you more"options" for your enhancement clientele. We have the Prisma Colours, the Prisma Pixies and the NEW Prisma Elite. I know....why right? I'll explain why.....the Prisma Colours are meant to be used under a top gloss or even encased in your builder gels. The Prisma Pixies(our glitter line) are meant to enhance colors, be encased in your gel, and our specialized recipe allows the pixies to be used to build a free edge!!! This line is also the ONLY one of it's kind(to my knowledge) that NEVER has to be stirred as the glitter stays suspended in the gel. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!! Then we have our new Prisma Elite line. This is an exciting line for us as we believe this is the most versatile colour line that we have! Ready for this? It covers in one coat, it cures to a high glossy shine(no gloss top necessary), it can be encased in gloss top if you have a client that goes a really long time(as our gloss tops adhere to shiny surfaces), it adheres to shiny surfaces allowing the art capabilities to have NO BOUNDARIES!!!! And VERY soon, we will show you ANOTHER amazing advantage to this innovative will BLOW YOUR MIND!!!! The hard curing gels can not be directly on a natural nail.


UV/LED CURING GELS - Here at Impact Salon Sales we sell MANY UV/LED compatible gels....some that I have went over. Here they are. EOCC, Cuccio Veneer, and the Entity One Gel(hard gel line). What is the benefit of having a gel that cures in 2 different lights? TIME!!! Cutting down your time is what everyone is about. That being said, I also think that there is a time and a place for having 2 ways of curing gel. Let's take Amore Ulitma Gel System. We, the manufacturer of this line have SO much success with the formula that we have, why would we monkey with it to make it cure in an LED could change the integrity of the line.


So to finalize what the ACTUAL point of this blog is. There are SO many different choices out there because us nail tech's want to be able to offer EVERY kind of client a product that will work with their nails, lifestyle and personal style(art/no art). Every time you try a new product, you need to realize that every product that you use will not be on every client that you have. That is the beauty of having SO many options. Use your knowledge, gain more knowledge if you need to, and open your mind to ALL the opportunities you have as a nail professional to grow your business. Utilize all your Distributors and Manufacturers to find the product that suits yours and your clients needs and wants.....well, that's it for this week


Love and Respect to you all

Lisa Ross