Working Harder NOT Smarter Part 2

Hey everyone! As it is the beginning of December, I thought I would do a sequel to my first BLOG about retailing. If you have NOT read that one you should!!!! Christmas is coming fast and there is so many easy ways to make money while offering great deals to your customers. I will help you simplify this for you, so that during this busy time in our industry you don't even have to think about the HOW!!! And just in case you don't read my first blog on this topic we are actually working smarter NOT harder!!!!!

1) Buy 2 get one free - This is a great way to make a profit while giving your customers an incentive to buy more for their loved ones 🙂 It is VERY important when it get's closer to the end of our fiscal year that we don't have a lot of inventory. Think about it...let's take some of our deals for December for instance.

a) Amore scrub/butter deals - you can purchase the Pomegranate duo for $16 and the Green Tea duo for $15. I suggest that you sell each duo for $40. If you do a buy 2 get one free you are making a $32 profit on the Pomegranate and a $35 profit on the Green Tea. Your customer has just purchased 3 gifts at $26.66/gift....NOT BAD EH?!?!?

b) Buy 6 Cuccio Nail Polishes and receive an Amore Skin Sense Mineralush Lip Gloss FREE - OK, so this deal is simple as are spending $29.70 and getting a gift for yourself for $0!!!! If you sell your polishes at the buy 2 get one free you are still making a $4.95 profit!! And like I said before, getting rid of inventory!!! If you want to sell the lip gloss.....especially if you buy a whole stand(300 bottles of polish) you would receive 50 Mineralush for free($597.50 value)!!! As a business, this is a NO BRAINER!!!! You get the stand for free($100 value) plus making $1195.00 on the free Mineralush ALONE, not to mention the $1485.00 profit you will make on the polishes. And all you have to invest is $1485.00!!!! That's a total profit of $2680.00!!! If you do the buy 2 get one free on the polishes you still make a profit of $495(not including the $1195.00 on the lip gloss :))....COME ON!!! If I still had my Salon and Spa I would be ALL over this!!!

Think about the ideas I gave you and use it for your benefit. Start thinking about making your life easier while making money. Even if you don't purchase products from us, we still wish for you to be able to make the cash as easy as possible.

Have a great week, stay safe
Lisa Ross